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We are an Internationally Recognised School of NLP and Hypnotherapy, and Time Line Therapy (TM)

01326 210202 or 01736 785868

Victoria Practices at Falmouth Natural Health Practice  among other locations

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Victoria Whitney

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Where Your Light bulb Moments Happen...

Health Wealth and Happiness Specialist Victoria Whitney is an expert in assisting people in Transforming their lives and businesses to create the situations and circumstances they want in life. Victoria has been in the Personal Development industry for over 10 years now, assisted many, many people in becoming well, and releasing patterns of behavior that no longer serve them through transformation Breakthrough Sessions with NLP, Time Line Therapy ® and Hypnotherapy. Victoria's past experience of not being confident, and being unwell led her 

NLP CornwallNLP Cornwall NLP Cornwall

NLP and Hypnotherapy Training Cornwall

What comes next?


We all have a natural Drive to Procreate and many many people desire a family. Since its a totally natural - why can some people easily concieve and others not? 

There are so many factors that come into play on a day to day level and the more you research the more answers and new questions you may have. Ultimately though

Are you wanting to have children and have as yet had no success?

Are you desperate to start a family?

Have you worked with IVF and all other options and had no success? 

Do you still have hope. If so read on.

The difference can be easily overcome with The Breakthrough session Programme.

Many of the problems we experience in life including infertility are the creation of a belief or thought so deep in our unconscious mind that we are consciously unaware of it day to day.

What happens is over time we move through life not paying attention to it - until the very thing we want that its blocking us from having comes to the fore.

Many people don't realise that the drivers and motivators in life were all created before the age of 15. So when you think about it this way, there is simply some belief, decision blocking the flow of energy through your neurological connections to create the environment you want - to create a family or have a baby. When you think about it any problem is like tree, it starts as a seedling and then spreads as it grown unresolved. What we do With the Breakthrough session Process is to get to the root of the problem that is causing the infertility even if this is physiological - to then heal the belief and the mind to create a new environment for success in the body.

How can you overcome this? 

Quite often people have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at the problem before they come to Victoria. Which is great as they are taking action.. Though over time they find that the best investment they made in terms of time and energy and of course money is to work with the breakthrough session programme over a period of 6 months.
The programme starts with tasking, which builds up to the Breakthrough session day which is where the problem dissapears.

The following few weeks and months is about restructuring your external environment and enabling the changes that we make on the day to take full form in the whole of your life. This is a deeply transformational process

Then your body and mind naturally start to heal and real shifts and changes in your life happen. This may mean changing the way you do things and the circles you keep or anything and as long as you are willing to do whatever it takes then this is the process and the path for you.

Contact Victoria for a Free no obligation consultation to find out more about the process and how it can work for you and of the success stories of others who have done this.

Plus whats more when you have concieved - and are expecting your beautiful baby Victoria can also show you how to have a natural Childbirth with the amazing easibirthing ® Process.

The only UK trademarked and accredited Hypnotic Birthing process.

To find out more click here...

We also have a facebook page to follow and accompany The hypnobirthing process with research stories and experiences  shared. So join in and get in touch by with Hypnobirthing Cornwall Here..


All content copyright Victoria Whitney 2014
