2024 marks 24 years as a practitioner within the personal development Industry - age 19 - 24 years of learning, 24 years of training and 24 years of working with 1:1 clients. Through that time my approach has evolved beyond recognition, assimilating many approaches into two types of sessions. In addition to Accelerated Hypnotherapy Training,
This year I am so humbled, my Work has received the Lifestyle Coach of The year Award and Certificate of Excellence. 2024 based strongly on the reviews detailed below and the unseen structure and progression which underpins my enterprise. It is the second Industry Award my work has received. I am so deeply grateful and work to continue to deliver a positive Impact. On a local, National and international scale.
2020 saw a year of a huge rise in contact free sessions. Having used skype for 1:1 sessions for the past 10 years as both coach and client the shift to digital sessions was natural and I have huge confidence in both the efficacy and the effectiveness of digital sessions. Having worked in session with clients from as far away as Australia, France and Spain, who have chosen to come directly to Falmouth for clearing sessions and Personal Breakthrough sessions ( Intensive Empowerment Days ) And they are more popular than ever.
Where ever you are in the world scheduling an appointment has never been easier.
Some of the words below may be helpful in assuring you that no matter what you can still evolve, overcome and be empowered within you by you and for you.
Below you will find most recent session reviews for training, coaching and therapy so you can book ahead with confidence
“Im so proud of myself I have just done the high cliff walk at ……… Cornish location … and I wasn’t frightened at all I am so grateful to you “
Thank you so much for our session today. I really got a lot from it. 2022
“ I have definitely noticed a difference in how I feel. No panic attacks or sadness. I have been more productive and generally happier. Thanks doesn’t even cover how grateful I am. “ 2024 september
Another client sent a video, which I can’t share, but it brought tears to my eyes. which is rare. He was 5 years old, and had a phobia of the Ocean. after 1.5 hours and a personalised digital audio called “ **** Name – Beach tape “ which he could listen to in his sleep. He was wading in to the ocean within days of the appointment. ( one of my favorites from this year. His joy and confidence will last a whole lifetime.)
I have been able to let go of the pain and then reconnect from a greater sense of strength and with love to all my family (within myself) and now that I can see it all I have a better sense of myself wholly and find myself acceptable, my beginnings acceptable, my responses and lifestyle and where I am now, all acceptable.... I can feel... I 'get' myself, my story, who I am and I'm ok... I have booked myself into a 4 night local spa to swim and sleep and I will begin your task / journal of appreciations
Thank you so much for running such an excellent course
Hypnotherapy Training 2021
Would it be possible to make me a CD that I could play at night or at any time during the day, which would reinforce the treatment you gave me. There was a definite improvement 2022 - Audio recorded and easily transferred for long term confidence
I want to thank you so much for giving me so much strength and to finally believe in myself. You made me feel like I could do it, when I thought that I was a million miles away.
"Thank you Victoria - You are a star " paradigm healing 2022
He slept through the night for the first time in a week. and woke up being able to breathe normally...... You are such an amazing woman.Thank you ! Xxx
Thank you so very much for your time and work.
Over the summer I had gotten into a destructive cycle of feeling disempowered, out of control and in a victim state in my job and relationship. It caused a lot of unpleasant arguments with my partner, to the point of almost splitting up and moving out. I reached out to Victoria whom I had met a number of years prior and loosley kept in touch with. I followed her career on social media and could see her talent developing, so knew I was in good hands. I had some reservations about working remotely with her due to the lockdown, however that proved to be completely unfounded.
We spent a day immersed in the Clearing process, which I have to say has been 100% effective in releasing all of the negativity, bitterness and limitation that I had been carrying around. The most unexpected and probably impactful part was the hypnosis; I had experienced trance states before but always in person; using Skype, Victoria actually got me into the deepest trance state I have ever experienced. The other surprising part is that I can't actually remember what the problem really was, and it certainly hasn't resurfaced again. I think I'll keep it that way.
“That was absolutely fantastic, thank you so much. The bit where you said I'm a brilliant mum had tears of joy pouring down my cheeks xxx “ 2024 response to a Personalized Hypnosis Audio recorded in my studio.
“Thank you so much! I love working with you “ 2024
“ It’s amazing my life is so different now “ I can’t remember the problem “ 2023
I cannot thank you enough .... I have regained my spacious mind
Personal Empowerment Intensive day to clear the symptoms and underlying cause of PTSD
Copyright 2010 - 2024 Award Winning Personal Empowerment Expert Victoria Whitney. All Rights Reserved. click here to view our "privacy policy" and
"Terms and Conditions " Remember - as with any form of therapy and coaching results may vary and are subject to your own personal circumstances. sessions may be recorded for Training purposes