Do you lack self confidence and wish you could be more confident to do the things you want to do. Does lack of confidence stop you doing the things you want to do, going to places you want with the people you want to do the things you would love to do?
Do you find yourself comparing yourself to others and feeling not enoughness, less than everyone else.
Do you feel like you are bullied and attract people who will belittle you, and make you feel small and insignificant. Do you lack the progression you would like because your confidence level does not support you.
Do you find yourself constantly putting others first and wish you could prioritise you.
Do you take others opinions of you to heart and diminish your own self worth.
Do you wish you could enjoy life more feeling alive and in love with your life and have a sense would you prefer to accepting of who you are as you are enough, you have enough. Each day you move through the day knowing you are
Yes. There was a time in the past when you learned to feel this way, and just the same very quickly you can unlearn it. Hypnotherapy and emotional clearing open up your potential.
Clearing emotions such as anger, sadness fear hurt and guilt enables you to experience a fresh perspective about who you are, what you are capable of, and how you relate to other people and things. You can daily build more confidence and enjoy the process of being the most confident version of you. Nourishing your mind and body with positive suggestions outlooks and appreciations.
Unconsciously changing your beliefs from I'm not good enough... I cant ..... to I can, I am beautiful, I am strong, I am confident, I am loved, I am supported, I believe in myself, I am loved and supported by my beautiful self at all times .... the difference in how people feel with helpful belief, after clearing will open a new flow within your life so you can progress and enjoy the process of unfolding as a more confident worthy version of you .
The simplest thing you can do without intervention is to monitor our own thoughts and attention.
Listen to the words you say to yourself.
There is a book called the Hidden messages of water by Masaru Emoto
Given a number of petri dishes both with water within, some with words of love .. such as " love and gratitude' and others such as " Hatred"
The water was then frozen and the crystalline structures found in the water when looked at through a microscope, the words of love produced beautiful crystal structure and the words of Hatred created mutated and gnarled structures.
60 % of the human body is water.
Check in with your thoughts and self talk. make note over 7 days. When they are not positive helpful or supportive instantly turn it around. replace. Because they directly influence your beliefs. Think Kind Thoughts.
Make sure they are always positive even if you don't fully believe it.
Consistency is key
I cannot thank you enough .... I have regained my spacious mind
Personal Empowerment Intensive day to clear the symptoms and underlying cause of PTSD
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